1You get a giftcard to Barnes and Noble. What do you spend it on?
How-to books
2In general, what is your approach to problem solving?
I focus on one small problem at a time until each aspect of a problem is solved.
I take a broad, bigger-picture view.
I try to avoid it!
I use a mix of both
3Your to-do list has several different types of projects, some of them very involved. How do you go about tackling the list?
I am good at multi-tasking, so I lump similar activities together and knock them out simultaneously.
I knock out the quickest, easiest tasks first, and then I move my focus to the more difficult and involved tasks.
I pick the biggest, toughest task and focus on it exclusively until I finish. No multi-tasking for me.
4You get in a fight with your significant other, but the next day you have plans to spend all day together. What do you do?
Put the fight on hold so it doesn't ruin your day, but return to it at a later time.
Stew a bit, because you can't forget the fight and what it means for you.
Forget about the night before, focus on having a nice day.
5What kind of arguer are you?
I let everything go as much as I can to avoid fights
Passive aggressive
6When you are attracted to someone, what do you notice first?
Their whole 'vibe', including their looks
Their mannerisms
Their voice
Their clothes
Their clothes
7You are in competition for first place in a giant contest, but a close friend is also competing against you. What do you think?
I'm neither a sore loser nor a sore winner so whatever happens will happen.
I worry about their feelings if they lose.
I hope they win so that we can avoid awkwardness, I'm not very competitive anyway.
I don't even think about them, I want to win.
8Choose which statement most closely describes you:
I am excellent with both.
I am good with remembering names and faces.
I am good with my hands and have good motor skills.
9What is your most negative quality according to others?
Taking too long to get ready
Not listening
Being selfish
Not realizing when I hurt someone's feelings
10You and your partner are about to go out to dinner, and there's a new spot you would like to try, but you haven't yet settled on a place. What do you say?
It's up to you.
'Let's go to that new spot on the corner.'
'I'm a little bored with our usual choices and I'd really like to try something new.'