How Naughty Are You?

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You are in the supermarket parking lot when you realized you've walked off with a bag of sweets that belongs to the young girl who was in front of you in the check-out line. The cashier must have rung them up on your bill rather than hers. What do you do?

1You are in the supermarket parking lot when you realized you've walked off with a bag of sweets that belongs to the young girl who was in front of you in the check-out line. The cashier must have rung them up on your bill rather than hers. What do you do?

  • Leave without a second thought - you paid for them.
  • Take the sweets back to the cashier and explain what happened.
  • Think about it for a while, then realize that you've rightfully paid for them and she can go back for more if she wants them so badly.
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