1In your opinion, what’s the ideal model of healthcare?
The government should offer more affordable, quality healthcare.
I’m happy with what we have now, when healthcare is paid for by employers.
I don’t think health care is a political issue, because the government shouldn’t be paying for health care. Private healthcare is the way to go.
2What do you think the United States can do to improve its welfare program?
Provide more financial support to already-successful welfare programs.
Welfare has run it’s course; we need to wean lazy people off the system, and get them into well-paying jobs.
Welfare should be eliminated entirely — it never gets to those who need it most. Private charities do a much better job.
3Choose a Washington D.C. attraction.
Lincoln Memorial
The White House
Jefferson Memorial
The Capitol
4What are your thoughts on the greenhouse effect?
It’s the government’s responsibility to control harmful greenhouse emissions, to set a positive example for other countries.
I believe the greenhouse effect exists, and it’s a problem…but it can’t be solved with politics.
I think the greenhouse effect is caused by all the hot air liberals keep blowing around!
5If you could live anywhere, what part of the country would you like to move to?
The South.
The Midwest.
New England.
The Pacific Northwest.
6Should gay marriage have been legalized?
Uh, yeah — every couple deserves the same legal recognition. We should repeal any laws against same sex behavior.
Definitely not. Homosexuality is wrong, period.
No way! It’s a moral issue, and our government shouldn’t endorse it.
7A convicted murderer has been sentenced to death. You think…
While morally, I think death is an appropriate punishment, I don’t trust the government to be in charge of something like that — mistakes are made all the time.
That if we spend more money and time on crime prevention, this wouldn’t be an issue.
Good riddance. Why pay to keep someone alive in prison for their whole life?
8Pick a fictional President.
President Marshall
President Grant
President Shepherd
President Beck
9Your best friend is pregnant, and doesn’t want to be. What advice would you give her?
She should keep the baby, and not terminate her pregnancy. It’s morally wrong!
It’s her choice, but terminating a pregnancy is wrong, and our tax dollars shouldn’t pay for this stuff.
It’s her right to choose whatever she wants to do — and if she can’t afford to terminate, then I hope she’s eligible for government assistance.